The dog and the little boy - both blissfully covered in mud as proof of enormous , unchecked fun that preceded the photo. Both totally accepting of themselves and each other, dirt and all. They just belong together so well in utterly comfortable bonding.
And what a joy it must have been to roll in mud not caring about one's clothes and hair and then posing for the photo with a totally Blasée "vee arr like this onlee" expression!
When I see the how happy kids are with animals, I believe that a boy or girl witout a dog is as lonely as a dog without a boy or a girl.
I chose the picture for the banner not only because of the "bonding" but also because it describes best the kind of person I am at heart!Yes, Vee arr also like this onlee.
Alright Usha! Blog looks nicer and colorful now. Keep going.
Thank you for the heartwarming comment in my old blog ( www.theseraphim.blogspot.com ) :) - I didn't know that post would evoke such a reaction in you - or anyone for that matter. Thank you.
It's been long since I've been here - it seems like a nice change. AND, for a 250 year old woman, you seem very young!
couldn't see the photo.
silkboard: Ya hopefully I can stop experimenting now. :)
Abench: Ah didnt you know that after 200 you begin to get younger?
HipG: it is right there on top in the header - boy and dog, no, you cannot see?
Hey, 2 pics!! How nice. One, you and the other, your personality! Perfect for your blog! Nice post, as always! :)
Oh - do you really? - I will hold you to that if I don't after I reach 200!
Ushaji, i am unable to see anything,just a plain page with posts and everything else one after the other,vertically:(
I'm mortally terrified of dogs!! Was chased by a dog when I was 8 months pregnant - brrr just thinking makes me shiver.
But yes, the picture is really warm! Like your blog :)
Enjoy in ur own personal bliss
where is the photo
I like the picture of you on the blog while i read your post.
Usha, it feels good to see you in love with your blog and your readers here....
Very energetic template to your space. keep the blue.
Your constant experiments is clearly visible with appreciable results.
How often we wish we were able to say that 'vee arr like this onlee' - an attitude of defiance, but not arrogance.
Chitra: Thanks.:-)
abench:yes, most certainly, you may.
aalap: why, why, why? even hipgran and passerby said the same!
STS:OOps, that must ve been terrible.
Thank you for the kind comments.
Balaji: sure I will.
Passerby: Can you see the pictures now? Oh yes, I am and cant hide it...GRINN...
Mahadevan: yes and comfortable acceptance too.
Hi Usha.. nice and vibrant template.. but m not able to see the banner picture.. any idea, why?
Divs:Please let me know if you can see it now. I changed the link.
totally cool look!! :-)
:-( still not able to see the banner picture but if it's working for everyone else then i don wan to bother u anymore.. afterall its the content that i love :-)
Biju: :)
Divs: :(
I can see the banner picture now in Firefox.. IE is still struggling.. smiles, smiles...
Shukr hai- Surf Excel hai na...Wonder if little doggies' mamas ever scold them for getting their coats dirty?
JLT: HM, I wonder too! perhaps they scold them for NOT getting them dirty?