Ms. Vyjayanthi Raman, a graduate in sociology runs a shelter for poor children – actually it is the home for these 20 children and is appropriately called “OUR HOME”. The shelter runs from a rented premises from which they have been asked to move out. Now they are looking for an alternate space and need about 25 lakhs.
Check out asha’s post on a day she spent with them at the circus and for some photographs of these beautiful children.
Small contributions from individuals will also go a long way to make up the sum. The contributions are eligible for Income Tax benefits.
You are welcome to visit the home , interact with the children and talk to Ms.Vyjayanthi .
Contacts for information:
Mrs. Vyjayanthi Raman
Res: 26630413
Mobile: 93413-14173
Mail: vyjayanthiraman@hotmail.com
You can make your contributions payable to "Helpline charitable trust" and Mail it to
Ms. Vyjayanthi Raman at:
"Our home"
708, 16th A main
38th Cross
4th T Block,
Bangalore - 560041
Or directly make a transfer to their ICICI Bank account 005301040477.
The trust can accept money from abroad if the person sending has an Indian passport. They can transfer money from any bank to ICICI a/c no 005301040477 Bangalore.
Along with this, they need to scan their passport [page with nationality] and send by email to vyjayanthiraman@hotmail.com. The money will be credited when she sends this copy to the bank.
Or you may contact Asha Mokashi
Please feel free to contact me for any further details. I will obtain them and forward them to you.
(Those of you who received a mail from me on this please do not be cross - I won't do it again!! I Promise!!!)
The details:
HCT was established in 1999, as a registered trust as per the prevailing laws in India.The trustees are Vyjayanthi Raman, V Krishnan Dr Srinath. Vyjayanthi Raman, is a graduate in sociology, was active in the government remand home & was a member of Karnataka Council for Women & Child Welfare. V Krishnan is a Chartered Accountant. Dr Srinath is a pediatrician. Apart from the trustees. Dr Saraswati, a gynecologist & Varadrajan a senior citizen are very active participants in the day-to-day activities of the trust.
Prime objective of the trust is to empower the impoverished children through education & vocational training.
HCT provides, shelter, food, medical care, education & a decent living ambience to the children to become responsible citizens with strong moral values.
• HCT admits both male & female children from the age of 3. There are currently 20 children.
• 3 destitute ladies, who are also in need, are responsible for day-to-day tasks.
• The children are sent to school & given additional coaching whenever needed.
• Senior citizens are encouraged to come & spend time with the children so as to give a family touch to their lives.
• A number of young volunteers from companies like Infosys, Oracle, Wipro take serious interest in the well-being & education of the children.
• Medical:Children are fully immunized. They are sent for check ups at regular intervals.
• Religion: Children from all faiths are freely admitted without any discrimination what so ever
Current requirement:
The activities of the trust since inception in 1999, is being carried out from leased premises. And now the landlord has asked them to shift and it is difficult to find an alternate premises on rental. As a long term solution, in the interest of the children, buying out a small but adequately sized shelter is the answer.
The trustees have identified a property not far from the present location, wherein the total cost comes to Rs 40 lacs, (see following slides for map & cost structure)
The trust presently has Rs 15 lacs which can be spared for this purpose,leaving a gap of Rs 25 lacs, which needs to be bridged
In the context of non availability of institutional funding & limited ability of the Trust, following options appear viable.
1. Direct grant to the trust by individuals/other trusts/companies or other organizations.
2. Buying of the property by another trust/organization/individual & letting the premises on long lease , say 25 years
3. Offering guarantee for the loan to any other organization, for loan to the Trust. Trust has the ability to repay @Rs 15000 per month (which is the rent, it is paying currently)
Other solutions are also welcome
• The trust has exemption under Income Tax act & contributions to the trust are eligible for deduction under section 80G, of Income Tax act.
• We interact closely with the Child Welfare Committee of the Govt of Karnataka and their inputs are taken with regard to maintenance of records etc
• The accounts of the trust are audited on a monthly basis by an independent professional firm.
• Regular updates are sent to the key donors & on request to anyone.
• Donors are encouraged to visit the premises & get a first hand feel of the activities and to interact with the children.
Thanks for the post :)
Nice to see your concern!
Ravi, thanks for the inspiring mail you have sent around for the cause.
I will email you.
I have bn visiting ur blog for the first time n i found this post of u n this is a true noble gesture on ur part. Thanks for sharing this information.
Nice to know i could be of some contribution..But it was all due to tat inspiring mail from Ravi!!
I think, the poor people are well-equipped to handle poverty. Let the poor kids fend for themselves. They are born with the capacity to face poverty; believe me, they even enjoy it!
Why to bother about them and waste our time?
Shiv: Thanks
Pinchas: There you go again! ok. how much are you sending?
Latest update: Vyjayanti Aunty managed the money!
I visited the new home yesterday. Its really good. More room, more storage space, playground closer to home, less traffic on the road, school closer than current one.
Of course there are some problems. Ther kids have to get used to the new school, first they have to get an admittion. But then over all it looks good.